Having an ATM machine at your business is an easy way to increase revenue at your business. Studies show that 35-40% of cash withdrawn at an ATM location is spent at that same location. You also save money in credit card and debit card terminal fees. Your customers will look to your location for convenience of one stop shopping. Your business will also have added safety benefits of eliminating concerns of accepting checks with NFS (non-sufficient funds) and paying POS fees.
Each ATM machine is securely bolted to the ground. 16,000 pounds of pressure is required to move the ATM machine making it virtually impossible for theft, if placed in the correct location. The cash vault of the ATM machine is a UL rated vault with safe lock, cassette key, and security plate meaning that only individuals who are meant to access the cash are able to. Machines can be individually alarmed, as well as be added to an existed security system. There are also additional security systems available for added protection, such as lojack, raminator, etc.
An ATM needs to be plugged into a surge protected standard outlet. There are 3 options available to get your ATM online and communicating with our processor:
A dedicated unshared basic phone line is ideal for an ATM machine. A phone line will communicate effectively between the ATM and processing networks. The ATM dials out to a toll free number so no long distance is required.
ATMs can also run on an existing DSL/Broadband network, which we highly recommend. This option will eliminate cost of adding an additional line and improve transaction time by 70%. An SSL modem is needed to operate on a DSL/Broadband line. Some newer ATM models come equipped with SSL modems. Please contact our office for more information.
CDMA technology is a wireless solution to get your ATM connected! CDMA modems are secure and wireless. Please contact our office for sales and service information on CDMA technology.
No, Millions of ATM transactions are carried out successfully without interference from criminals. There are over 2 millions ATM’s worldwide, out of which 430,000 are in the US. Only a minimal fraction of criminal incidents occur at ATM locations. There is little to no risk involved with the secure networks, CDMA & SSL modems, and ATMs we have in place at Just ATMs. Plus Just ATMs, Inc is trained and compliant with all network security standards and regulation.
Cash dispensed out of the ATM will return back to you account the next business day on transactions that occur before noon (CST), transactions that occur after noon (CST) will be received the following business day. Transactions that occur on Saturday, Sunday or banking holiday will be received on the next business day
Your only expense is a communication line and electricity! There are no processing fees! We supply paper at no charge!